
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcoming a new member in Pok Ya's Family...

Salam peeps,

I'm writing this as I'm feeling soooo excited...
I'm now a proud aunt of a baby boy...
(Gosh, I forgot what's his name...)

Still remember during my school years...
Where I got jealous of my friends...
Because the have cute little nephews and nieces...

As the eldest in my family, everybody would tell me that there's no way I'm gonna have a nephew or niece before having my own child...
I remember telling them...

"It's not impossible..I'll proof u all wrong...Who says I can't get one before getting my own children.?"

And today, Dang!
I am a Maklong...
(Though many won't agree when I want him to call me 'Auntie Long' instead... :p)

That's what we called rezeki...
We don't know how, where, what, or when we're gonna get it...
But it's there...
Allah knows best...

Everybody's started talking...
May be my nephew will be confused...
Why he has to call my children 'kakak' or 'abang' when he is the eldest among them...
Now it got us thinking...
What are we going to tell him...?
But I said, we save it first...
Rite now we just have to enjoy this momment...

The first grandchild in this house...
We are much grateful for this gift...
The baby and mommy is still in the hospital...
Due to some complications...
We are now praying hard that both of them will be blessed and return home safely...
Can't wait to see how he looks like... :)

InsyaAllah, they will be with us in a few days...
Doa and tawakkal is the best that we can do rite now...

And for those reading this...
Please, pray for my my sister's and nephew's health...
May they always will be in Allah's care...

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